I know this "About me" page is long overdue, but I honestly didn't know what to write...
I'm not a great cook and not much of a photographer, but I love to eat and I love to write, so I decided to start a little blog about my pursuit for the perfect meal. As many others, I'm constantly struggling with my weight and my budget, so I wanted to be more mindful about what I ate and how I ate it. Writing about food has made me more conscious about my unhealthy eating habits and has also helped me change them a bit. I still haven't lost any weight, but I'm proud to say that I'm eating a lot more fruits and veggies everyday.
I studied Chemistry in College and took many Food Science classes. I even worked in the Food Industry for a while, in the Food Quality and Development Department, and learned a lot about the industriallized process our food goes through. I learned not to be scared of the weird names in labels and to understand why we needed additives in the first place. This scientific training makes me view cooking in a different manner, helping me present you some Food Science trivia.
Recently, my career path took a wild turn and I entered the wonderful world of writing. I write for Constant-Content, I write here, I'm part of Foodbuzz Featured Publisher Program and I'm working on another blog. All in all, this has been a great ride and I'm happy to share with you what I've learned, what I cook and who I am.
Thank you, for sharing this ride with me...
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